Tuesday 15 March 2011


Just a quick one - had a thought today and as it surprised me, I thought I would share it.

I was watching the news, there was lots on the horrors in Japan, the nuclear emergency there as well, Libya and the now unfolding issues in Bahrain and I was struck by just how much of a mess the world is in. These sorts of things have been a source of depression for me in the past - not a personal depression, but one for the world at large. However, today my first thoughts were of the book of Revelations that talks about the end times. I got a feeling that the state the world is in currently is a small picture, a droplet in the sea as it were, of what the end times will be. And yet still I was not depressed. I was thankful!!

Thankful that I am with God, I am in His hands! I am saved through Jesus' blood on the cross. Thankful that I need not fear the end times or death, that God has me in the Book of Life...!

If anything the overriding feeling was one of stimulus to action. I want others to know this love and reassurance - I don't want to be one of those 'believe this or go to hell' type of Christians but a 'be loved and secure in Christ' type of Christian. I want to help those people affected by all the madness in the world and I can think of nothing better than giving them the opportunity to find Jesus. So therefore, I pray. Not because it is something superficial that I can do, but because it is EVERYTHING.

'And God shall wipe away ALL tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.'
Revelation 21:4


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