Interesting sermon today at church about baptism. My pastor spoke about two types of Christians...the Dippers and the Immersers.
He spoke of those Christians who want God and Jesus as a saviour at the end of life, they dip in and out of their beliefs choosing when to follow God. It might be that they are faithful in certain areas of their lives and in others they bar the entry. They want God as a saviour, not as Lord.
Then there are the Immersers, those who have chosen and ACTIVELY put their lives into God's hands - and that means everything...even those things that you are trying to forget/feel too guilty about/don't want to acknowledge. These people are not the weakest as some would suggest as they are willing to trust God. These people may go through the hard times facing themselves and their pasts but they are ultimately better off for it because the peace they recieve through God's grace for letting Him be Saviour AND LORD is un-matchable.
So then having cinsidered this I believe that I am a Dipper with Immerser overtones (!!) in that I have not given over everything to God, although I wish Him to be my Lord and Saviour. This is because I am scared of MY reaction if I face all that I would rather hide from, yet I trust God completely. It really is the lack of trust in myself that is holding me back. Which is daft when you think of what is on offer......let me use an illustration:
You are in a world famous biscuit shop, there are countless types and sizes of biscuit available. You are at the counter and realise that you only have enough money for one biscuit, the choice before you is a plain, dry, unsatifsfying biscuit with a little chocolate on the side of it vs. a biscuit packed full of nuts/fruit/sweets/caramel (delete as appropriate) that is covered in the most luxurious thick, world renowned chocolate. They cost the same price. Which are you going to choose? It's a no-brainer!! The second biscuit everytime - why? Because it's full of nourishment, tastes infinitely better and makes more sense! The plain biscuit has it's good points but the sweetness of the chocolate can only mask the plain reality of it for a short while.
This is how I am beginning to see the choice before me - live a life that has its sweet moments but it ultimately plain because of my distance from God, or live a life that is sweet, nourishing and fulfilling?
Is there really a choice?
[image: Midsummer]
Today is Midsummer’s Eve and the beginning of the BIGGEST celebration in
the Swedish calendar. Yes bigger than Christmas, yes bigger th...
8 months ago
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