Forgiveness will be a running theme for a while I fear. It is the one issue that is foremost in my mind when I think about God and my faith. I know that I cannot be saved if I have not forgiven. I want to be saved so the logical argument goes that I should forgive.
If I want to forgive others then I have to forgive myself. As long as I blame myself, I do not understand forgiveness enough to extend it to others. People have told me I have nothing to be forgiven for in regard to a certain situation, if this is the case and I can't forgive myself, then how am I ever going to forgive the person(s) who, according to the same people were to blame?
Next question how on earth does a person begin to forgive themselves? Do you have a conversation with yourself? I could do with a bit of help on this one I think...any ideas?
[image: Midsummer]
Today is Midsummer’s Eve and the beginning of the BIGGEST celebration in
the Swedish calendar. Yes bigger than Christmas, yes bigger th...
8 months ago
I hope you don't mind me reading your blog. :) As a blogger myself, I find writing a great way to track my growth and progress, and it would seem that you're doing the same, which is excellent! As far as how does someone forgive themselves? Well, as one who has done some incredibly foolish, stupid things that I so wish I could take back, I would say this - I don't know the answer to that question. And I haven't walked in your shoes. But I do know this - if God has forgiven us, which He has, then I don't think that He wants us to carry around a load of stuff that He's already forgotten. It says in the Bible that He has removed our sins and placed them as far as the east is from the west (the Micah version, but it's pretty close). So that to me means that He not only does He remove them and put them as far away as possible (meaning they're pretty much gone), but He wants us to do the same. Forget that they were once there. That's hard to do; I've found that it requires a lot of faith and a lot of time. But then at some point, you look back over your life, and you realize that you did forgive and forget. Not sure if that helps?! But maybe so. Blessings to you!! :)
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