I have been attending a church for about three months now, it is a small community church of about 50 adults and nearly as many children(!!). I am an active member in that I try to be involved with as many projects and meetings etc that I can. I enjoy the companionship and support of the people I have been so fortunate to meet and make friends with. I enjoy being a part of a family of believers who seem genuinely pleased to see each other and to help each other when they need it, be that a chat and a coffee or laying a patio. Which gets me to the point of this post - the weirdest thing about church (which is a quite a long list as I was brought up in a traditional Methodist church and evangelical churches are SO very different in their approach) is the fact that these people, from all walks of life and levels and longevity of faith, have just accepted me into their family without question.
I understand why they have done this biblically speaking, as the Bible states that we are all the creation of God and thus we are all a part of a huge global family. If I thought that the only reason these people spoke to me was because the Bible told them to then it would take some of the shine off of it because it would essentially be an academic exercise in trying to please Jesus and would have little to do with me. However, the members of the church go out of their way to include me, talk to me and view me as one of them. I find this hard to accept because I do not feel worthy of their love or their acceptance but I think that shows more about my view of myself than it does about anything else.
[image: Midsummer]
Today is Midsummer’s Eve and the beginning of the BIGGEST celebration in
the Swedish calendar. Yes bigger than Christmas, yes bigger th...
8 months ago
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