From my short relationship with Jesus I have come to realise that judgement is not mine, it's God's. If I was perfect, like God, then I would be allowed to judge others but as I am not (in any form) I have no right to. When I feel that I am judging of others I remind myself of Jesus' words "Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?' (Luke 6:41) and believe me, I have to do this a lot!!
Recently the personal circumstances of a close friend have caused me to reflect on this verse in depth. I do not condone the actions of this friend and cannot even imagine being in the position that she has been in and now finds herself in. For this reason, I have found it easy to judge (in my heart). When I spoke to her, she says that she knows that she did wrong and that the people concerned have all agreed to put it behind them. In religious terms she has repented (although she hasn't asked forgiveness from God as she is not Christian) and so it is now in God's hands (if or hopefully when, she becomes a Christian). This is something that I am having to pray about and focus on because I am angry with my friend.
So I feel that I am doing the right thing in regards to at least working on this area, in this circumstance.
Enter my mother stage right... My main hurdle to moving forward in this is actually my mother who has warned me that my friend is only staying my friend because I am not judging her and I should in fact tell her exactly what I think of the situation and essentially break friends with her. I know that my mother is speaking from a bitter place, having been hurt by friendships in the past, but when your mother put doubt in your heart about your actions it's easy to believe her.
Add it to the list of things I have to work on...............phew.........this Christian life is complicated!!
[image: Midsummer]
Today is Midsummer’s Eve and the beginning of the BIGGEST celebration in
the Swedish calendar. Yes bigger than Christmas, yes bigger th...
8 months ago
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