One of those mornings browsing the internet without any real direction...During these times I waver from thinking that I am wasting my time to finding that I am led to random things that have a message from God in them.
This morning I have felt pushed toward thinking of Christian youth work...I think God is putting a passion in me to work with teenagers (not in my day job, as this would be obvious!) within my church. I am not sure where and how this will be fulfilled but I am alive with ideas and energy for the youth and feel drawn to helping them make sense of Jesus' sacrifice in the confusing world of the adolescent...more on this to follow I guess.
I have also been randomly linking on youtube...where you click on the suggestions and before you know it you are wacthing something really random like skateboarding when you originally started looking at 'how to make bread successfully' or something equally unrelated.
My random linkage led me to some videos by a person called 'some grey bloke'. I have seen some of these videos before and often thought that they are an interesting insight into an atheist who is seeking God...albeit indirectly. These two videos struck me the most:
I feel that they highlight the importance of making God's message accessible to people. We shouldn't use terms and words that are sometimes, lets face it, downright confusing. We also need to address the more simple questions and not ignore people when they ask 'Did Jesus use the toilet?' If the question is asked, we should ask God how we should answer it, not skirt around the issue! I feel like God wants to remind me that we are all children with questions...if we ask, we will find. And just think, by answering and engaging with people you may help someone to find Jesus - to find salvation - a sobering thought.
[image: Midsummer]
Today is Midsummer’s Eve and the beginning of the BIGGEST celebration in
the Swedish calendar. Yes bigger than Christmas, yes bigger th...
8 months ago
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