I think I might have been gently reminded by God that although my problems might seem big, they are in fact small in relation to what Jesus has done for me on the Cross.
I was at a Church group last night and during prayer I think God spoke to me. The leader was thanking Jesus for being with us in all of our troubles and enduring them with us at which point I thought 'Well I don't recall Jesus suffering [insert anything that I am bitter about here] anywhere in the Bible' (with all the attitude of a cross teenager who is feeling particularly self involved). And I felt God saying ' That may be true but Jesus did die for you and endured unimagined pain that you will never have to feel'. It was like God was reminding me that Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for me and that until I own my feelings and deal with my bitterness, that sacrifice was for nothing.
Interesting point...
[image: Midsummer]
Today is Midsummer’s Eve and the beginning of the BIGGEST celebration in
the Swedish calendar. Yes bigger than Christmas, yes bigger th...
8 months ago
Jesus I imagine experienced quite a few things, here's a list, perhaps you can add a few:
Grew up as a refugee; father probably died while he is was quite young; family were poor; cousin beheaded; a friend betrayed him; falsely accused; misunderstood, slandered; arrested and imprisoned on false grounds; lied about; flogged; beaten; verbally abused; executed.
Quite amazing given his previous postcode was heaven....
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