Last night, whilst driving home from work after a late information evening, I looked up at the sky and saw a huge beautiful moon in a clear sky surrounded by many stars...and I had a startling revelation..........
The moon is beautiful only because it reflects the Sun's beauty...without the Sun the Moon is no longer its full self - it still exists but it lives in the dark, hidden from the lifegiving rays of the provider.
This is like many people. God is obviously the Sun - He gives life, shines in glory and provides us with the ability to live in light and not dark. People are the Moon...they are merely reflectors of God's glory - all that we are is magnified by God, His grace allows us to shine and be fulfilled.
The problem lies with people trying to be the many do. They want to be the source of everything, they do not want to be reliant on something else for their glory and for their very being. These people are lost and end up trying to be like the Sun and not the moon and then end up failing at both and feeling that they do not belong...why do they do it?
The moon would not fulfil its purpose without the sun...we will not fulfil our purpose without God
An interesting revelation.............................................................I shall have to muse on this further...
[image: Midsummer]
Today is Midsummer’s Eve and the beginning of the BIGGEST celebration in
the Swedish calendar. Yes bigger than Christmas, yes bigger th...
8 months ago